
中国博彩平台拥有世界一流的教职员工,在各个领域和学科进行前沿研究. 通常, 中国博彩平台的学生有机会与这些教师密切合作,进行本科研究.


Dr. 杰奎琳年代. 麦克劳林
Associate Professor of 生物学
2019 National Academies Jefferson Science Fellow

无论是在她的PSU-LV生物实验室担任癌细胞系的细胞和发育生物学家,还是在非洲领域研究人为变化对生态系统健康和可持续性的影响的保护科学家, 澳大利亚, 玻利维亚, 中国, 哥斯达黎加, 古巴, 厄瓜多尔, 巴拿马, 秘鲁, 现在是罗马尼亚, Dr. 麦克劳林的总体使命是创造学习环境,让任何水平的学生都能通过参与本科研究而受到启发并有效地学习科学. She is the founding director of Connecting Humans and Nature through Conservation Experiences (CHANCE), 中国博彩平台屡获殊荣的环境教育项目——一个独特的模式,将海外学习与环境可持续性的本科研究相结合. She has served as an appointed visiting professor at Jiangnan University, Wuxi 中国; National Academies of Science, 工程, and Medicine-appointed Jefferson Science Fellow to the U.S. Department of State; Embassy Science Fellow to the U.S. 驻布加勒斯特大使馆, 罗马尼亚; and currently a special counselor to the vice-rector of research at the University of Bucharest, 罗马尼亚. 目前,博士. 麦克劳林 is trailblazing a new area of research – benefits of international course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) in short-term study abroad instruction. Be it the life sciences, environmental sciences, or education-based science research, Dr. 麦克劳克林为投入和积极进取的学生提供优质的指导机会,他们需要成为优秀的本科研究人员.

For more information, visit Dr. 麦克劳林's website >>

Dr. 朱莉·伊尔
Associate Professor of 生物学

2008年朱莉·B. 埃利开始与本科生进行研究,计算检验HIV-1整合酶活性位点小分子的氢键相互作用. Computation on 41 molecules resulted in a poster presentation, HIV-1整合酶活性位点抑制剂的氢键相互作用关系及类药物性质的利平斯基五定律,” at the Retroviruses Meeting, 冷泉港, NY, 2010. Nicole Zekind and Peter Khoury contributed to the research. Hydrogen bond research on 159 small molecules was completed in 2012, and a poster was presented at the American Chemical Society meeting in Philadelphia in August, 2012 by three undergraduate research students: Sarah Israel, 罗伯特·赫夫, 塔利亚·卡茨. 2013年8月. Ealy represented her undergraduate research students – Sarah Israel, 罗伯特·赫夫, 塔里亚卡茨, and Paolo Flauta – in Wuhan, 中国, where she presented at an international conference. Undergraduate students continue to do research with Dr. Ealy with the research being repeated on the prototype foamy virus (PFV) intasome.


Dr. 罗杰Egolf
Associate Professor of 化学

Dr. 罗杰Egolf has chemical training in drug design and the synthesis of biologically active compounds. His current research is in the general field of the history of chemistry. 他的历史研究重点是19世纪和20世纪初美国研究生和本科化学教育的发展.


Dr. 玛格丽特基督教

Dr. 克里斯蒂安对早期现代英语诗歌和宗教修辞的研究包括将16世纪的布道和礼拜仪式视为戏剧文本. 她还对现代早期人们如何阅读《中国博彩平台》以及由此揭示出的人们对讽喻诗歌的理解感兴趣.

Dr. Christian's articles have appeared in Studies in Philology, Christianity and Literature, 十六世纪研究, 和斯宾塞研究, 在其他期刊中. 她的书《中国博彩平台》即将由曼彻斯特大学出版社出版(2016)。.


Dr. 标志代表
Assistant Professor of 金融 and Accounting

Dr. Gruskin conducts empirical research investigating the evolution of firm choices for external financing. He is currently investigating reverse leveraged buyouts (RLBOs), i.e., firms that go private in a leveraged buyout and later return to being publicly traded. 本研究的一个关键问题是评估哪些因素决定了RLBO后股票收益是正还是负. 这些因素包括非公开的重组活动和发行中使用的承销商的质量. Dr. 格鲁斯金还在调查过去30年资本结构中很少或不使用债务的公司数量的增加.


Dr. 丹尼斯T. 奥格登

Dr. 奥格登’s research areas are in retailing and integrated marketing communication (IMC). In retailing her interests are in consumer behavior (retail), including multicultural aspects of consumer behavior. 在IMC, her research is in tactical areas such as public relations and advertising, especially at the retail level. 特别感兴趣的是公司如何协调和整合来自组织的营销传播. In addition to her peer-reviewed publications, she has co-authored two textbooks in marketing/retailing and one in IMC. Dr. 奥格登 also sits on the board of the Center for Retail Solutions.


Dr. Tai-Yin黄

Dr. Tai-Yin黄’s research interests include, 但不限于, 引力波动力学, energetics and airglow chemistry in the Mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region, Lightning-Induced Transient Emissions (LITEs) in the airglow layers, global warming and climate change, specializing in analytical approach, 数值模拟, 数据分析. Her research has been primarily funded by the NSF. She is also involved in the R&LED照明的博士学位,并开展收集和利用闪电释放的电能的研究.


Dr. 凯文·J. 凯利
Assistant 心理学教授

Dr. 凯利是一名咨询心理学家,在宾夕法尼亚州获得独立心理学执业执照. He has published in the areas of cross-cultural variations in adjustment, Internet addiction and health, and empathy education in the Nursing profession. 他最近完成了一本关于积极倾听的培训手册的手稿,这本手册用于教授本科生有效帮助关系的基本技能. His research interests are now focused on issues of attachment and psychological trauma. 具体来说,博士. 凯利正在研究大学生对主要照顾者(父母)的依恋和不良事件暴露史(创伤史)如何影响学生管理情绪的能力(也称为情绪调节)。. 他过去和现在的研究都包括对调查问卷的可靠性和有效性进行统计分析.

Dr. 大卫Livert

Dr. 利弗特是一位社会心理学家,他的研究广泛地考察了个人是如何受到社会环境的影响的. 更具体地说, 他的研究主要集中在群体间接触——来自不同群体的个体之间的互动, 视角, 种族, or cultures – influences attitude change, 友谊的形成, 以及团队绩效. Dr. 利弗特研究了从专业厨师培训到出国留学再到老年住房居民等各种情况下的这些影响. 他的另一个主要研究领域涉及专业培训领域的项目评估, 教育与老龄化. Livert has carried out multi-method evaluations for the National Science Foundation GK-12 Project, New York State Department of Education, Office of the California State Librarian, and Allentown 住房 Authority, 等.


Dr. 詹妮弗·帕克
Associate Professor of 社会学

Dr. Parker’s research focuses on globalization, 移民, 创业, 商业组织, 劳动力市场, 就业的关系, 社会流动性. 她感兴趣的是了解个人和群体层面的机会如何受到更大的全球和经济力量的影响. 她目前正在撰写一本关于印度跨国企业战略和全球消费文化的书,这本书是基于德里经济学院(Delhi School of Economics)高级富布赖特奖学金(Senior Fulbright Fellowship)的研究. 她关于美国特许经营的移民经济的研究最近发表在《中国博彩平台》上. Her book Fast Food Fast Track: Immigrants, Big Business and the American Dream (Westview Press) examines the interactions between global corporations, 美国品牌, and immigrant opportunities. Her work has appeared in Wall Street Journal, NPR, BBC, 等.